Contact me

Please email or call 0432 552 010 with your contact details. Saniya responds to new enquiries with an initial 15 min consultation to discuss your needs and whether the kind of therapy she offers will be a good fit before taking on new clients. 
Saniya is committed to providing multidisciplinary care for her clients. If you are a GP, psychiatrist or specialist and would like to discuss a shared or new client or need psychology input or training/workshops in an area of interest, please feel free to make contact via email: or phone: 0432 552 010
Saniya is also interested in collaborating on research. Please feel to reach out via email if you'd like to discuss further. 
If you are in immediate distress and require help, please call 000 or contact your GP. Other crisis helpline numbers that might be useful: 
  1. Lifeline: 13 11 14
  2. Mental Health Helpline number (NSW): 1800 011 511
  3. Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
Other helpline numbers/services can also be found here.